Trees - Organic Nuts
sq.m. sown area
био орехи
Bulgaria, Perushtitsa

A&VS Ltd. (King Walnut) - producer of Organic Nuts and Organic Almonds

Young garden with 12,000 trees - Chandler bio walnuts

Organic Nuts - Chandler variety. We are a family company "A&VS" Ltd. and we grow organic nuts variety Chandler in one of the most favorable areas for this purpose - Perushtitsa.

We currently have over 350 acres of bio walnut or about 12,000 young walnut trees. We also grow bio almonds over 20 acres. Based in Bulgaria, our garden is located on 150 acres in the town of Perushtitsa. Based on one of the most conducive areas for agriculture, Company A&VS Ltd. is an innovative producer of organic crops: walnut and almond.

For the time being, we cover about 350 decares of sown area with walnut crops, mainly the organic variety "Chandler". Using innovative approaches for Bulgaria, A&VS Ltd. have plans to develop another 200 acres of almond gardens. Perushtitsa municipality is one of the smallest municipalities in the Plovdiv region. The terrain is the same - plain and hilly. Characteristic of the whole region is the earliest start of spring in heat treatment. During the fall season, a significant amount of rainfall has had a beneficial effect on crop development. Proximity to the mountains creates freshness and reduces the impact of the continental climate. The soils are humus carbonate, alluvial, sandy and stony to contribute to the development of fruit growing in the region.

Please see ours Kingbioproducts

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